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Diving Into Electromagnetism

Diathermy using radio frequency emission is an endogenous thermotherapy. This involves emitting high-frequency electromagnetic signals through an isolated electrode, which transfers energy to soft tissues containing electrolytes such as muscles, vascular, or lymphatic tissues.

Diathermy is a physical phenomenon occurring within tissues. It is well-documented in scientific literature for its various therapeutic benefits, including pain relief, improved blood circulation, tissue healing, and enhanced flexibility.

Electromagnetism Bands & Their Effects In The Human Body

Electromagnetism affects the body differently depending on the frequency and the resistance of the tissues at each frequency band.

Diathermy is the biological phenomenon that occurs in a frequency range where tissue resistance is very low, starting at approximately 500 KHz and extending up to 2.5 GHz. This broad range is governed by Joule's Law:

I x I x R = W      &    W x t = Calories

In other words, the power generated is equal to the current passing through the tissues squared, multiplied by the tissue resistance. Sustained over time, this produces heat.

On the horizontal axis of the graph, we see the effects of electromagnetism on the body based on frequency.


The vertical axis shows the resistance of tissues at each frequency.


As illustrated, tissue resistance varies significantly with frequency.

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